Photo Credit: Jona Van der Cruyssen


                            PiKANT! Exhibition

                   The Phoebus Foundation

May 29th - September 30th 2019

Castle of Moorsel, Aalst, Belgium


Jin Choi and Thomas Shine

Structural Design

Thomas Shine


Jan de Nul Group


Thomas Shine

Jin Choi

Jan de Nul Group


Special Thanks to 

Greet Rome-Verbeylen, Living Lace vzw

Devon Thein, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

Fernand Huts, the Phoebus Foundation

Katharina Vancauteren, the Phoebus Foundation

Katrijn Van Bragt, the Phoebus Foundation

Hannah Thijs, the Phoebus Foundation

Niels Schalley, the Phoebus Foundation

Jona Van der Cruyssen , AORTA+

Crochet & Assembly Volunteers for ARIZONA!


© 2019 Choi+Shine Architects

The images and design  copyright 2019-2022  Choi+Shine Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

 “Kantate” is trademark of Choi+Shine Architects.

Contact:  Choi+Shine Architects for written permission for image use.

© 2019 Choi+Shine Architects

Photo Credit: Jona Van der Cruyssen, Edited by Jin Choi

Kantate creates a spatial music to celebrate the timeless beauty of the lace in its birth place.


The crocheted surface of ARIZONA! was invited to transform;  the fluidity of the field, magnanimity of the trees and tranquility of the castle of the site inspired the elegant and quieting form that moves the viewers to listen to the poetry of the surrounding nature.

© 2019 Choi+Shine Architects

Photo Credit: 

Jona Van der Cruyssen

Edited by Jin Choi

© 2019 Choi+Shine Architects

Photo : The Phoebus Foundation 

Edited by Jin Choi

If you would like to participate

in our future crochet projects,

please send us an email to:

 skim [at]

The design and images of Kantate  are copyright 2019, Choi+Shine Architects and may not be used without written permission.   Kantate™  is a trademark of Choi+Shine Architects.

The images and design  copyright 2016 - 2024   Choi+Shine Architects, LLC.  All rights reserved. 

The designs, artworks and images on this page are subject to copyright, patent and/or trademark protection.

Contact:  Choi+Shine Architects for written permission for image use.

Instagram @choishinearch